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Dream: Cosplaying

I have dreamt about cosplaying since I've been in my first year of high school. But blahh-- I don't wanna reminisce that much. Long story short, cosplaying for me was just a mere dream, like a fish wanting to step out of the ocean.
A few months ago, a grandfather of mine gave us extra money. He's been giving us money whenever he can. I heard my aunt talk about him before. He wanted to help since I don't have parents to ask for stuffs. To be honest, I want a job right now so I can at least help lessen the expenses of my family, and of course, help myself.

Cosplaying costs a lot of money and effort, and it's a bit hard to balance the incidentals between school and hobbies. So what do I do? I sacrifice.

When I realized that I had enough money to buy my very own wig, I turned to an online cosplay shop and searched for people selling wigs online. And luckily, I found the perfect one <3 div="">

The length of the wig reaches my butt. XD Anyway, I have loved it since then. I got Shiro's wig from the anime No Game No Life (I recommend you to watch it if you haven't) and of course, what's cosplay without the costume? 
Days had passed and I found the perfect MTO shop online and decided to have mine made. It didn't take the shop long before they made my costume and I was glad. The owner's friendly and I was sure to order from them once again.
I was almost there. All I needed was a skill in make-up. As you can see, I sucked. XD

Days turned to weeks, I was wondering when I'll ever use this costume. Then I scrolled through my timeline and Facebook and read posts about a cosplay event happening at the nearest Robinson's Place so I said, why not? 
Well, to be honest, I was REALLY REALLY shy to just go out there with a costume, so I went in casual wear, with my costume in my bag just in case I changed my mind.
The event was amazing. I had my friends come with me and we had the most wonderful time. I was pretty shocked when a lot of people came to me and asked if they can take a picture with me, because really, I'm just a potato standing in the corner with a costume on. But to be honest, it felt great.
I had regrets after though. I NEVER TOOK A SINGLE PIC. I had my phone with me the whole time and I never took a pic, not even once. Wanna know what I did? I searched all over Facebook, searching for people who might have went to the event and had some pics taken, and luckily, I found these.
(Credits to Dharz Dimaano in Facebook)

I remembered what was going on in my head while that picture was being taken. 
"How do I smile?"
"What pose"
"What do I do"
"What am I doing"

And a whole lot more. Apologies but this is my first time cosplaying.

And eventually, I think I improved.

Moving on!

Months have passed and I got enough savings to buy yet another one! After a few resolutions on who to cosplay, I have decided to cosplay Taiga Aisaka from ToraDora!
I bought the wig first, and it took me a month to complete the set. Christmas break arrived and I was pretty low on budget, but I believed it was worth the wait.

Here I am now. 

Cosplaying, which was an impossible dream for me, became possible, and now there's nothing that can stop me from continuing. <3 p="">


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