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Be Sensitive, Don't Be a Bully

Have you ever teased someone and felt good about it?
What do you feel when you make someone jealous?
Did you feel happy when you embarrassed someone in public?

What are your answers?
Are they all positive or negative?

It can't be helped but most people like seeing other people suffer or be ashamed of themselves. I see this kind of "habit" everyday. The other side is laughing while the other side stays silent and hides what he/she truly feels. Which side are you on? The abused or the abuser?

If you're the abuser, think about this: Will you want that to happen to you, too? You might have teased someone and tell the person that she/he's ugly, but who do you think is uglier? You might say he/she looks "Ugly" in appearance but who has the ugliest personality? You.

Someone's crush is more sweet and friendlier to you but you let that someone know all the sweet things he does for you and laugh at her about it? How do you feel? Do you feel happy now that you just broke her heart? Do you feel happy now that she might be crying herself to sleep just thinking about that? Tell me.

Got someone's embarrassing picture or video and everyone enjoyed watching it? How 'bout the person who everyone laughed at? Did he/she enjoy it? Did you feel happy now that you have ruined someone's reputation?

Will you have a good night's sleep because of these? I better hope not.

And as for you, the abused, don't let them take advantage of you. Stand up because you have the right to. Don't make yourself vulnerable and make them think that you're okay with that they are doing to you because in the end, you'll still be the one to suffer. Be strong because you're the only one that can help yourself get up. Make those feet of yours useful. You don't deserve those kinds of treatment at all.

You might say that someone bullied you before thus making you a bully yourself, but who's actually on the losing end here? You of course. You ended up eating their bait. Instead of making their bad habits as an "inspiration" for you to do better for this world and to lessen the number of bullies, you ended up like one of them.

Don't end up as the abuser or the abused. End up as a "changed person". Do good and better things will come your way. There might be a lot of barricades but in the end, trust me, all the pain is worth it.


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