Remember that girl who bullied you yesterday? Or maybe that boy who teased awful things about you? Or those people who have let you down? What do you do to them? Do you bully them back or let them do what makes them happy, and that's hurting you? There's this line that says "Don't judge the book by its cover." We all know that it's about judgmental people. But come to think of it, are there people who don't judge? I have read, seen, and heard about people's lives. About how cruel people to them are and how they just constantly tear them apart. But then again, we can't escape the fact that people like them exist, there will always be someone who will rain on your parade. But how did these kind of people exist? Let's go back to the girl who bullied you. Did you notice her scratches? How bout her bruises? No? How do you think is she treated at home? Have you heard someone cry in your school's comfort room lately? THAT WAS HER. ...