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Showing posts from February 7, 2015

I don't know anymore

I don’t know why people would rather curse someone or call them dumb if they suck at something and tell them “Keep practicing, you’ll be better. I’ll guide you all throughout the way, dont worry, I am here,” instead. A bit rare but I think that’s what everyone needs. If you keep on telling them that they suck, imagine how they would feel? Imagine how low the self esteem of most people are these days and there you are cursing and blaming them for what they did wrong. Maybe that’s why people would rather choose dying than listening to people telling them that they are useless. Please, just be there for somebody. If you know someone having a hard time,please lend a helping hand. You don’t know how much it means to them…

Dream: Cosplaying

I have dreamt about cosplaying since I've been in my first year of high school. But blahh-- I don't wanna reminisce that much. Long story short, cosplaying for me was just a mere dream, like a fish wanting to step out of the ocean. A few months ago, a grandfather of mine gave us extra money. He's been giving us money whenever he can. I heard my aunt talk about him before. He wanted to help since I don't have parents to ask for stuffs. To be honest, I want a job right now so I can at least help lessen the expenses of my family, and of course, help myself. Cosplaying costs a lot of money and effort, and it's a bit hard to balance the incidentals between school and hobbies. So what do I do? I sacrifice. When I realized that I had enough money to buy my very own wig, I turned to an online cosplay shop and searched for people selling wigs online. And luckily, I found the perfect one The length of the wig reaches my butt. XD Anyway, I have loved it since t...