Have you ever had a problem where you just want to forget about it? What did you do to forget? Drink? Yes, most probably. Why are we always finding ways to forget? To escape? To flush all our problems in our system for a while? Or to run away from the cruelties of life even for just a moment? I'm not saying that this is bad, because it isn't. It's like being on vacation for a little while, right? It's like putting all your problems in the recycle bin but restore it all again after. It's like putting your headphones on, volumes up, and disappearing from the world even for just a few moments. But escaping from these problems have limits, too.Imagine holding on to a rope that has been supporting you for too long, can it carry you forever? No. If we escape from pain, then can we call ourselves alive? If we don't have problems, are we really human? If everything goes our way, can we consider ourselves as a player from this so-called "Game of Life?" ...